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2011-5-12 08:02| 发布者: admin| 查看: 1176| 评论: 0|原作者: 摘|来自: 江恩

(江恩最重要的资金管理规则) W.D. Gann's most important money management rules 七剑翻译 W.D. Gann's most important money management rules 威廉姆.D.Gann最重要的资金管理规则 1. Divide your capital into 10 equal parts and never risk more than 1/10th of your caital on any one trade. 将你的资本分成十等份,每次交易不要冒损失1/10以上资本的风险。 2. Always use stop loss orders to protect your trade and place it immediately after entering a position. 永远采用止损单来保护你的交易,在建立头寸后立即设定止损单。 3. Never overtrade by taking large positions. This would violate your capital rule. Remember "Safety first." 永远不要用大头寸(大仓位)来过度交易。这会违反你的资金规则,记住“安全第一”。 4. Never let a profit run into a loss. When the market moves in your favor and you have a profit that is double the amount of risk you were willing to take, move your stop loss order so that you will have no loss of capital if hit. 不要让利润变为损失。当市场向你预期方向运动,并且利润超过了你所冒风险的二倍时,移动你的止损位,这样当市场触发你新设的止损单时,你将不会损失初始的资本金。 (译注:在这里引入“移动止损”的概念,即当价格对你有利,有了浮动利润时,顺着与你有利的趋势的方向,将止损位进行相应的调整,在欧元,瑞郎直盘币种里,常用的移动止损是波段的618移动。这条注解对理解第7条有帮助。) 5. When in doubt, stay out or get out. 心存疑虑时,观望或者出场。 6. Trade in active, liquid markets. 在活跃的,流动性中的市场中交易。 7. Don't close your trades without a good reason. Follow up the position with stop loss orders to protect your accumulating profits according to the rules. 没有好的理由,不要平仓。根据规则,用止损单来跟踪你的顺势仓位,以保护你不断积累的利润。 8. Accumulate a surplus of capital. This rule is very important. After you have made a series of successful trades, put some money into a surplus account to be used only in emergency or in times of panic. 积累盈利。这条规则很重要,当你取得了一系列交易的成功后,从中取出一些钱,放入盈利帐户,这笔钱只在紧急或恐慌的境况下动用。 9. Never average losing position. EVER. This is one of the worst mistakes a trader can make. 不要在亏损的头寸上摊低损失,永远不要!这是交易者犯下的最严重错误之一。 (译注: Averaging losing position,即中文的“摊低损失”,指的是在亏损的头寸上加码。) 10. Never get out of the market just because you have lost patience or get into a market because your are anxious from waiting. 不要因失去耐心而出市,不要因焦虑等待而入市。 11. Avoid taking small profits and large losses. 避免截断利润,让损失奔跑。 12. never cancel a stop loss order after you have placed it when entering a trade. 进入市场并设置止损单后,永远不要取消止损单。 13. Avoid trading too frequently, getting in and out too often. 避免过于频繁的交易,避免过于快速的进出。 (译注:TOO一词表明交易者不要违反交易的波动节奏,在这里“TOO”的言语指向很明显,日内交易者踏准波动节奏的频繁交易不违反此规则。) 14. Be just as willing to sell short as you are to buy long. 乐于作多,也要乐于做空。 15. Never change your position without a good reason based on set rules. 没有规于规则的良好理由,不要改变你的头寸。 16. Avoid increasing your trading activity after a long period of success or a series of profitable trades. Remember to accumulate a surplus and dont be tempted to increase your trading unit too quickly. Success can go to your head and has ruined many other wise good traders. 在长时间成功,或做了一系列利润丰厚的交易后,避免增加交易活动。积累你的盈利,并且不要过于快速地增加交易仓位。胜利会冲昏你的头脑,并毁掉其他明智而良好的交易。</TD>






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